Sunday, 19 September 2021

a mental resilience practice for stress reduction and goal-achievement.

A mental resilience practice for stress reduction and goal achievement. I keep stressing out the power of mental discipline and the benefits of being in charge of our thoughts and words, which trigger an emotional response in the body and move us into action generating the results we currently live. The words we speak and think today are the destiny we are creating, and the only way to improve our current conditions is to begin to understand the power we have and take power back. We certainly have complete control over the chatter in the head, the choice of the words we speak and what we pay attention to. This TEAR principle I coined for better understanding works in both directions and carries us without noticing the individual result unless we decide where the journey goes by deliberately choosing the words and outcomes we want to experience. Disciplining our thinking is the most challenging work I know. But it is the only way to self-empowered living, the creative freedom many of us dream of attaining. One must have a strong reason for the betterment of their life to withstand the resistance of the comfort zone we all have. I know that with. So is you have goals that are eluding you, I am here to help. Book a free dream-builder discovery session with me (certified DreamBuilder Coach) at

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