Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Painting on Stretching Frame - Design Enhancement

This is the first post in Chapter two, a section dedicated to most popular silk-painting method:

Painting on Stretching Frame.

The exercises and information will give you a base for you further development. I will introduce you to the most common techniques and you can take it  from there and create your individual style. Find some appetizers on the Silk Painters International (SPIN Website :) or on the SPIN Facebook Group Posts

Important Note: To create products with those techniques is more labor-intensive and time-consuming, which will reflect in your production-cost and therefore in the retail price as well.

I am introducing the Painting on Stretching Frame method as it represents basic knowledge in regards to silk-painting. You need to have this information for you professional career.
The application of this method in regards to your silk-art business will not only be for your own silk-painting creations, but also for your work as workshop instructor with equitable honorarium.

We will begin with the most easy technique: The Design Enhancement.
Note: You need to have the information from the previous  chapter to complete the task.
The material needed is:
  • 1 stretching frame and silk-pins (or hoop)
  • 1 of the scarves you created in the first chapter (any of the three designs, blossom, random or triangle).
  • 1tube of outlining paint in a color that is in harmony with the colors of the scarf
  • 1 silk-painting brush medium width  #6,8 or 10

The Goal is to highlight parts of the design created previously(blossom, triangle or random) and develop new pattern.
Below are examples of the enhanced design based on a first application in one of the learned folding techniques (blossom, triangle or random) see the caption below the photograph.
Random design enhanced with Javana light-gold outlining paint and Javana silk-paint in primary blue

A blossom and random technique was applied in intentional composition to create the basic pattern from which leaves and blossoms were developed in variety of color-tones in yellow, green and red with anthracite outlining paint.

Partial enhancement with gold outlining paint and the same red color as first used for basic random pattern.

Pale triangle design enhanced with pearl-blue outlining paint and the same color of blue and green as used for the first application.
Blossom Design on large 17"x70" ponge 8 scarf was worked over with outlining paint in gold using as fill-color the same nuance as in the first application.

This process of design enhancement is very easy to master and we will go through the steps in the next post.
Hope you are enjoying this workshop - thank you for visiting.

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