Thursday, 2 August 2012

Outlining Paints, Gutta and Resists

Today we will learn about the last piece needed for our work on the design enhancement, the outlining paint.
Just to recap:
you learned three design methods which are the starting point in the creation of your silk-scarves.
to learn the next stage, the design enhancement, we worked our way through the information about stretching frames, silk-fasteners and today we will complete this learning session with the information about outlining paints.

Many terms refer to the same kind of material. Outlining Paints, Gutta and Resists all have one characteristic in common; they have water-repelling quality, which is why they are called resist paints as they do not allow/=resist the paint travel over the fabric or penetrate the fabric.
The information you will be reading is prepared for the upcoming work and will provide you with the knowledge required for the next stage in your creative progress. There is much more to say about resist paints as it is about all materials mentioned here before, which will be delivered later in our learning process.

In our planned project, we will use colored resist paint/ outlining paints in tubes.

Outlining Paints are available in a variety of colors:
  • basic colors
  • pearl colors with more sheen
  • glitter colors with a real spark
The choice of the color will depend on the kind of design you'd like to create and also on the purpose the scarf is intended for.

The tube allows for pen-like writing/drawing on the stretched silk, which will be the starting point in our next session.

Note to the resist/gutta paints.
Not included in the explanation above is the original gutta, a clear water repelling material. We will be working with this material later on as it applies to different techniques and effects than the upcoming session of our design enhancement.
Enjoy your Friday:) And Have a wonderful weekend:)

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