Saturday, 18 August 2012

Dealing with the Unexpected

Change is the only thing you can really "count on" to experience. 
Know this and you always will progress.

The last post had few guidelines about the personal factors required to grow your art-business to the revenue you require.
  • Keep focus on what you want and why you want it. The dollar number is not that important, but is a good starting point and control instrument. 
  • The Big Why will keep you going 
  • Your openness, flexibility and creativity will get you ready to see the opportunities when your environment changes. 
  • Constructive and creative thinking will be your operating principle.
There is no doubt that you can do what you love and generate income you need to live the life you want. 
There is an amazing creative potential in changes in your environment as those are beautiful opportunities to adjust your success-course (while there is some kind of "a creative disorder" going on:)

The absolute natural growing process runs in following stages (you experienced it many times)
  1. you are on your way to your goal
  2. you experience change in your environment (coming unannounced from the outside)
  3. you experience the impact/consequences in your personal life (could be quite dramatic at times)
  4. you remember your goal
  5. you define new course leading to your goal
  6. you are set on your way to your goal again (but on much more developed level/ You GREW!!!)

In this stage of your business venture, there is no separation between your business matter and your personal life-events. Both are part of your life and influence each other.

You can not control what is happening in your environment, but you have 100% control over your reaction to the changes in your environment.
  • Know that changes are opportunities for new adjustments
  • stay focused on what you want and why 
you always will come out as the winner
(enjoy the journey)

Look back in your life and your will see the growth and knowledge that every incident brought you.

I had several events in my life that brought amazing growth/ just as an example and encouragement for you to follow your dreams
  1. I always wanted to learn and share my knowledge/guide. I defined what I wanted by taking what I liked on my management job (travel and guiding people) and added what was missing (being my own boss and doing my own schedule).
  2. when the company was sold I decided to get out and start my own touring business "Canada for Women"
  3. when a friend left me with an art contract to fill, I stepped in and my silk-artist career begun.
  4. when my husband passed away and I needed to survive, I started to produce greeting cards and selling them in wholesale, going to trade-shows and organize creative retreats. Artful Retreat was born.
  5. when my next life-partner passed away and I again needed make living, I begun to manufacture in large volume with two casual helpers and conduct workshops in schools and institutions.
  6. when my mom became bed-ridden and I had to stay at home with her, I revived contact with art-supply manufacturer and begun to use internet to conduct my business.
  7. Currently I am hiring my first full-time employee and opening my first "real" Online-Store  with official opening in September and have all the added products and services including my Artful-Retreat Bed and Breakfast in my business portfolio. I actually quite enjoy the unpredictability of life, developing trust and the knowing that all is well always. I am filled with enthusiasm, looking forward to more exciting business and personal development (which I already have my course set on).
Life is very precious and it can be lived in inner satisfaction and joy.

follow your dreams and they will come true :)
I wish you much Joy and Happiness!

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