Saturday, 7 July 2012

Vision - Mission and Operating Principles

This is the closing part of the opening mental-preparation for you successful business.
You only can know if you are on the path if you define your path.
You also only can measure your success if you know what it is.
This post leads you to define the vision for your business, the mission of your business activities and the operating principles.
Just to clarify:
The Vision for you as a entrepreneur is defined as the definition of your venture including the dollars you want to make to live the life-style you desire. The Vision describes the overall goal.
The Mission describes the products and services you like to offer to make the revenue you require to live the life-style you desire. The statement should at least answer the "what" you are offering (your products and services) and "who" are your prospective clients (you target audience). More detail in your thinking process the better clarity you gain for your self.
The Operating Principles describe the acting ethics you and your employees will follow in you business activities.

After playing with those thoughts, extract the key sentences and write them down, so you can re-visit them. Make a personal version of it for yourself first and assemble a simple collage you can look at regularly (I am using my collage every day before I begin the hands-on work). This collage is an ideal anchor in times of confusion to help you get centered on your path.

If you enjoyed the process you can derive from your version the version for the public, mostly one sentence per each section. Such statement can be posted on you website or on your business cards and stationary.
Keep in mind that your employees will be able to make better contribution to your business if you will have for them those principles clearly stated as well - the employee's version. It will clarify the expectations right from the beginning.

The internet is full of wonderful examples and guidelines for creating those statements. Pick what serves you the best.
It is less about the words you will write down, than about the awareness and intentions that those words will represent.
With your vision in mind you will go through your tasks in enthusiasm step by step; knowing "why".
(keep in mind that your vision will grow as you proceed - so keep it updated!)

This is the beginning of a new phase in your life - from now on, you'll just open your creativity and play to expand into your full potential :)
(you now know what that is)

Have a wonderful Sunday!

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