Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Name your Silk-Art Business

I hope you are excited about this part - the name of your business. Think into the future where you are headed and how you/your business want to be seen and  perceived.
To get inspiration and ideas to contemplate, browse the work and names of the over 900 members-strong silk-painters community on Facebook Silk Painters International (The SPIN)

Most of the silk-painting entrepreneurs use the word "silk" in their business name.
Play with your idea of the business name, imagine it printed on business cards etc.
Imagine an advertisement for your business as it could appear in a newspaper; does the name of your business communicate what products or services are you offering?

If you feel good with computers, look into the different fonts that can be used. Imagine what font represents your business's character. You will get the feel of it once you write the name of your business say in a word document and copy and paste it to change the font and see both next to each other. I usually create several font samples on one page and pick what corresponds best to the specific purpose.
The next step can be a logo. It is not necessary right now, but it's good to start to look at business cards of other people to collect ideas for your own, unique business cards design.

If you like to go one step further check out Vistaprint Online printing service. They offer a wide range of designs for different industries and in different styles. You can browse the Vistaprint Website for Canada and check the different languages and countries they serve; I'm sure you'll find a Vistaprint service close to your location or an adequate option.

The next post will be about the first legal steps and basic set-up to get your products out to the world.

The easy and fun silk-art method you learned opens you a door to endless possibilities of beautiful designs like this one "Sunflowers" on 35"x35"Crepe deChine ( a fabric we will talk about once you are set on your business path and ready for more).
Have a great Wednesday:)

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