Thursday, 10 June 2021

❤️ Self-empowered living: How to create better future

Results come from actions and those again come from our mental evaluation of a situation. The fact is that the conditions we observe right now are the outcome of past thinking. They are basically "dead matter" and we must understand that time-delay and begin to learn to understand that the "now" is the moment our thinking, speaking end feeling influences how we will experience our future life and what conditions will be seeing. I believe we all are born to live to our full potential to experience life in its beauty and fullness and also that we can serve all there is in our full potential. Life is a magical experience and a gift. I wish you much joy in the adventure called life! May you be blessed and prospered in all ways and always. ❤️ Love & Peace to you 🌹

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come!" (Vict...

Did the last 15 months made you think and inspire you to go for your dreams? - As our world is reopening we are free to decide. Are we going to the old ways of living or will we honour the delicate subtle shoots of the longing for living what we discovered during the last 15 months we want from life - our dreams. This shift happened for me and as Victor Hugo's quote states The time has come for me and my passion that was kept since 2015 behind my main work. I'm now offering the DreamBuilder coaching program in which I'm certified. There are 10 steps I can guide you through but it all begins with getting clear on the #1 destination I am also in love with my dream and offer other aspiring dream builders a free clarity session plus if you are interested in connecting with other creative entrepreneurs dream builders join my group