Monday, 31 March 2014

Writing As a Spiritual Practice With Dani Shapiro

Many of us, creative souls, keep a journal to catch thoughts, events and inspiration.

Writing is but more than just a record keeping.

Listen to Dani Shapiro talking to Jonathan Fields about the deeper meaning and benefit that writing can give you.


Sunday, 30 March 2014

What I learned from Donald Trump

I learned to use two questions as a tool for my professional and personal self-development.

The first one, which I learned from Donald Trump goes like this:
I want to know every evening that I learned something new, something I did not know when I got up in the morning.

The second question I am asking myself is a "continuity program" attached to my actions and I leaned that one from a story.
I ask myself "Is this the best I can do"? (is the best I can do when I'm with my children?, is this the best I can do in this blog post? get the idea.

Self-employment is a character builder because you are there with many hats and many tasks. You are the A&O in your success in all aspects of life, business and personal.

Below is another video I found, that may help you reflect and grow.
Enjoy your life!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Dont have a website? Watch this tutorial - there is no excuse!

Web presence, these days, is a must.
We all are using the internet as consumers who want to make informed choices and so does your potential client!

But still I hear so often from my creative friends "I'm not good with computer".

I understand this statement because there was a time, not so long ago, when having a website required computer programming skills.
That is past though!!!

Now all the tools and assistance available for creating a web-site make the whole task simple and easy.

Watch for example this WIX tutorials(below) to see the simplicity. You'll be surprised.
This is just an example because there are so many options and you need to find what suits you best.

The only thing you need to know before you start is the content after that you just need to spend some time to design and publish it.

Regarding the creation of the content of your web-site; Please remember the 8-step business-start formula!
You will first define your USP (unique selling proposition) so you know who is your audience, how will they benefit from your product and what those products and services are.

This will be the core of your content on all marketing materials including your website.

If you have your personal story, add it as well. Clients who love to buy art, want to know about the artists and the inspirations as well!

Have fun!

The free training is coming up next week; so stay tuned as there will be more detail on the USP and all the other components for you business start-up.

Revisit the 8 steps to "starting your business" (posted March 20):

Friday, 28 March 2014

Do you have the habits of success??...find out with Brian Tracy

What really is success?
Find out;
Reflect on the wisdom of Brian Tracy 

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Talent and a dream - Amira Willighagen

This is for you to feel the energy that engulfs the audience when this little girl sings opera.

And she knows exactly where she is going with her life........

Dream Big and go for is what I want to say to you as well.
Soar on the wings of your talent!

Much Love!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

What Challenges Do You Have in Selling Your Art?

Listen to Ann Rea as she points out the common challenges creative entrepreneurs experience.

Share in a comment what challenges you are faced with in your creative career and I will share with you some of my experiences.

Create, Learn and Grow!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Daniel Jean Baptiste interview - 3 pieces of advice

Listen to the Canadian artist, silk painter, Daniel Jean-Baptiste as he shares his experience.

3 pieces of advice when you start your career as a creative entrepreneur

Find Daniel's art online at:
To see where a simple first step can eventually take you.

Want to know more about starting and running arts and crafts business?

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Motivation - Myth of Limiting Beliefs

Take care of he mental aspect of your business; listen to one fo my teachers, Brendon Burchard.

Transfer your limiting beliefs into inspiring vision and thrive!!!

Saturday, 22 March 2014

How to Thrive as an Artist with Ann Rea

Ann Rea is on a mission to dissolve the "starving Artist" Myth
Enjoy and be empowered!

Friday, 21 March 2014

12 Months Revenue Plan for your Craft Business

As a silk artist or a crafts person we need to think ahead and plan.

Attached is a 12 month template you can print out to plan for your revenue and the activities that can lead to it.

Setting your revenue goals: you need to believe that you have the resources to achieve it, so be realistic, but also challenge yourself by setting a goal that will motivate you to put the necessary energy into the work.

There are many events throughout the year that will boost the demand of your products like special celebration days like Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, craft fairs and festivals and the big Christmas season.

Fill in the actions you need to take to have sufficient supply of your products, this about who is the buyer and what they are looking for.
Different events have a different crowds with their specific interest. Put yourself in the shoes of your Client when you prepare for a specific sales venue and be the best you can be. People buy hand-made products for the value they see in it; when your presentation of your product matches what they expect, you are in. Talk to your clients and learn so you can improve.

Much success to you!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

How To Start Your Silk Art Business:

Some people asked where to start with the silk art business, so these are the basic steps as I see it (more on the subject is coming in the free training which will be published the end of the month).

How To Start Your Silk Art Business:
  • Learn & Master The Basic Skill
  • Choose the product you like to create and sell (matching your life-style and situation)
  • Choose Your Client: define the profile of your ideal client
  • What is your message or story – Unique sales-proposition that will make your product stand out.
  • Choose the sales channel – how you want to get the product to the market
  • Create a website
  • Produce a portfolio
  • Start to Campaign.
Quality, Quality, Quality
(In every aspect of your operation and product presentation)

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

3 Thing That'll Stop Your Creative Process From Destroying You

I'd like to share with you Jonathan Fields's short video on the subject of creating healthy habits; a subject I wrote the how-to in my Wordpress blog (  post from March 11th called "Set the Compas for a Change".

To create great work, you need to take care of your body so you can continue and live energized every day!

Listen to Jonathan and get the how-to in my post:

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Before Your Art Show

To show your work in an exhibit requires two basic steps, the first is to propose to the gallery and the second is to present your work to the audience.
This video deals with the second part, the preparation for hanging and opening your show.

To learn more about the first step, read the information in the link to "How To Create Artist Portfolio":

Sunday, 16 March 2014

What frustrates You in Your Silk Painting Business

I am coaching How to Start and Develop Silk Scarves Business, and to serve You better I would love to know where you need help as a creative entrepreneur. Please post a comment with your question and I will answer it in the free training that is coming up. For more information about silk scarves business, download my FREE e-book at http://silkscarvesbusiness.wordpress.... or here on I Look forward to hearing from you:)

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Plan for your income

Weekend is a good time to relax and think ahead.

You can maximize the income from your Silk scarves business by planning your sales activities for the year.

There are several events throughout the year where silk scarves are in higher demand.
I am here referring to the general events and you may then add the events that are relevant to your specific situation and markets.

Here in the Western world, Valentine’s Day is the first day in the year where you can bring your product into spotlight. Next is mother’s day, then the tourism season starts and so on; with the busiest time in the last three month of the year where there many opportunities everywhere.

Because you need supplies and time to finish your scarves, I found it useful to have a one-year planner where I mark my projects. I keep that calendar where I can see it, therefore my mind works on ideas:)

You can jot down not only events, but also shows and craft fairs you may want to participate in.
If you are just learning about the silk scarves business and do not paint yet, you may start to think about those events and mark them in the calendar so you know what to work toward to while you make the first steps.

If you are already painting the planning will bring more efficiency into your work.
Now is the end of March so you may start to work toward the mother’s day inventory and after that get ready for the tourist season.

I am attaching a planner I am using and you can print it out for free from

enjoy your weekend:)

Thursday, 13 March 2014

How To Price Your Art For Sale Part II - a personal experience

About my personal experiences that brought me to the pricing strategy for my work:)

Adam Braun: Pencils of Promise Founder & For Purpose Visionary

When I wrote the e-book All About Silk Scarves Business (which you can download for free now:), I wondered if I should leave include the chapter I wrote about defining your vision and mission. I then decided yes, mainly to be true to my own belief and teaching.

I see the key to fulfilling life in the understanding of one's purpose and  aliment with this purpose in thoughts, words and actions:)

Now I'd like to encourage you to spend some time With YOU:) and contemplate what you want to give to the world, how you want to make a good life by serving others with your skills and talents.

You have so many gifts in talents and skills. Use those tools to build your fulfilling life:)
Much Love to You:)

This video with Adam Braun shows a personal story of a young man who did just that.